Observing World No Tobacco Day (WNTD)

Published on June 13, 2019 by Admin

Every year, on May 31st, the World Health Organisation (WHO), Jamaica and the rest of the world celebrate World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). The annual campaign used to raise awareness on the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure, and to discourage the use of tobacco in any form.

The focus of World No Tobacco Day 2019 was on “tobacco and lung health”. This year’s slogan was: “DON’T LET TOBACCO TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY”. The campaign aimed at increasing awareness on:

  • the negative impact that tobacco has on people’s lung health, from cancer to chronic respiratory disease; and
  • the fundamental role lungs play for the health and well-being of all people.

The National Council On Drug Abuse (NCDA) along with volunteers which included students from the Oracabessa High School were part of a Silent protest and sensitization in Port Maria, St. Mary. The volunteers took on the task of handing out educational flyers and pamphlets, and talking with persons about the effects of smoking, second hand smoking and E- Cigarette also known as E- vaporizers.