Oracabessa High School Past Students' Association

Mission Statement:

To assist the Oracabessa High School in achieving complete paradigm shifts in academics, co-curricular activities and discipline by 2030.

Vision Statement:

To make the Oracabessa High School the school of choice in Oracabessa and St. Mary.

Interim Executive Committee Members

Covel McDermot, PhD candidate
Interim President

Jermain McKenzie, MS
Interim Vice President

Zar Gordon, MS. Ed.
Interim Chairman

Ramoth Watson
Interim Vice Chairman

Nadia Stephens, MS
Interim Events Planner

Ian Johnson, MS pending
Interim Treasurer

Carolyn Thompson, ASc.
Interim Secretary

Kerrian Purser
Interim Corresponding Secretary

Conroy Stewart, BSc
Interim Information Technology Officer

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