The school is located in the hills of Coloraine, off the coastal town of Oracabessa in the parish of St. Mary. It is a co-educational upgraded high school which was built in 1973 and started with an enrolment of five hundred and one (501) students, an Academic Staff of eleven (11), an administrative staff of three (3) and an ancilliary staff of four (4). Today, the institution has 66 Academic Staff inclusive of the Principal, Mrs. Natrecia Whyte Lothian, two Vice Principals - Mr. Thomas (Senior V.P.) and Miss Garrick, 11 Administrative Staff and 14 Ancilliary Staff.
Currently, the school has a student population of one thousand five hundred and seven (1507) students and operates on a shift system. Each shift has five grades (Grades 7-11) and each grade is divided into three streams. There are also two (2) special classes, one for grade 7 on shift one and one for grade 9 on shift 2. These special classes cater to the literacy and numeracy needs of new GSAT and GNAT students respectively. Daily attendance ranges from a high of 90% to a low of 79%. The latter is most often observed on Fridays. The school is managed by a Board of Governors headed by a Chairman Mr. Wadwald Knight.

Students continue to perform well in the CSEC Agriculture examination, which has maintained 100% pass over the last three years. For the first time our students sat the EDPM and also gained 100% pass. Other areas doing very well are Home Economics, Science and Principles of Business. We are expecting the other core groups to increase their passes in this year's results.
The school continues to highlight the tip performers in the Oracabessa High School Academic Hall of Fame, students who receive final averages of 70% or over, gain the opportunity to enter this prestigious Hall. This year, nineteen student qualified.
A total of One Hundred and Eighty Three (183) students have met the requirements to participate in the school leaving exercise. The criteria include students' attendance and punctuality, general deportment and academic performance over the two senior years (Grades 10 and 11).
Extra Curricular Performances
The school has a 4H Club and participates in the annual 4H club competition. The members of the club walked away with the Gold Medals for our Agro Processing and Project work and Silver medals for Cake Decorating and Cushion Making in April 2011.
The giants of the co-curricular activities are not to be outdone. Our school choir was crowned second place winner in the "TVJ's All Together Sing" as well as the Children's Gospel Festival. What a brilliant display of grit and determination from our students as they successfully balanced rehearsal after rehearsal and performance after performance with their school work! Thanks to Miss Royale and Mr. Dennis Clarke as well as all who supported the choir in its journey to success.
We have won two gold, three silver, and two bronze medals in the 2012 JCDC School Festival. Second place winner in the National JCDC Children Gospel Festival. The School Band is the Top Performer for the JCDC School Festival 2012. The Band moved on to the National Finals on July 6, 2012.
Sporting Activities
The school first won the ISSA under 15 Volleyball Tournament in 2010, placed 6th in the under 19 and second in the under 15 in 2011. Five of the 7 volleyball players represented Jamaica in the NARSACA under 17 Caribbean Tournament. In 2012 a new Team was prepared and we won the ISSA under 15 Tournament for a seond time. At this point five (5) members who represented Jamaica are now a part of the UTECH volleyball club playing beach and hard court and are up for scholarship if they meet the requirements.
The Netball Teams became zone winners for the Inter-Secondary School Netball Competition at both the junior and senior levels.